Great Love

Weekly update 2/2 to 2/8 #2

"None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." ~ Mother Teresa

Started the week off with Scouts at the Pinewood Derby. Fun watching the kids show off the cars. I hope they all can look back at pictures later and see the pride in their faces.

This week my department visit was with Department of Public Works. Kind of like seats in a weekly meeting everyone has one they sit in and seldom move. Parking is the same way. I parked and got lucky that the employee's space I took was off work that day. When I got inside I found out I would spend the morning throwing trash and filling the role of that same employee. I am sure I slowed the crew down, but enjoyed my time learning about what our guys and gals at DPW do.

Scouts in Government Day with Honorary Mayor John was fun. I introduced him to staff around City Hall and then we sat down on a future downtown project. We put some great ideas on the table and are closer than before.

Throw in some meetings on topics across the board, visits from my daughter, and a quick trip around downtown and you have my week in a nutshell.

Back to Mother Teresa. Every day I try to do small things with great love for our community. If you will as well we can do something wonderful for our little piece of the world.



Busy About


Do you see what I see?