Busy About

Weekly update 2/9 to 2/15 #3

"It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?" ~ Henry David Thoreau

My schedule is busy, and each week I try to reflect and share with you what it is busy about. A month ago, we sat down with INDOT and proposed projects along O'Brien street. This week we learned that two of the three had been granted. Now don't get excited about construction this summer, because we have many many steps to complete before shovels meet the ground. We will continue to work on getting approval for the entire O'Brien street corridor over the next few years. Along the same lines we took more steps to be ready when this year's repaving season gets here. #todaysroadsstartedyearsago #futureroadsstartnow

This week saw sit-down sessions with Bud Shippee at AM1390 and Superintendent Harpe, Assistant Superintendent Ferguson, and SMS School Counselor Mr. Hubbard (Happy late National School Counseling Week). Thanks to everyone that gives me a chance to get out and spread the news of what we are working on. Throw in a Mental Health America social and smiles are plenty. #sharethenews

This week's department visit was with Water Pollution Control where I learned about lift stations. As the interceptor project is completed, we will take several lift stations offline. The real PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT this week is stop pouring grease down the drain. Hot water helps it out of your house, but then it creates problems in our system. Grease shelves form in our lift stations (see picture) along with other problems along the way. #alldrainsleadtotheocean #dontslowtheflow

Wrap the week up with a cool refreshing dip for Special Olympics and there you have it. Throw in a few more meetings and some breaking news that you have already seen and you have a glimpse into what we are busy about. We are busy about you, our community, and ways to make it better and keep moving it forward. #thatwasbriefright

#hashtagsinspiredbyspd #hashtaggame





Great Love