Whistle a Symphony

Weekly update 6/19/2022 to 6/25/2022 #126

Mattie Stepanek the philosopher who played said, "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." Before I share some thoughts on this quote though, let me share some of a recent day serving as mayor of the best smalltown in America.

Thank you to Kendra Zumhingst and her team for organizing the Youth Triathalon benefitting the Seymour Boys and Girls Club. As the athletes came out of the water, I gave them a high five along with a good job, be safe, and I will see you at the finish line. By this point, they had already swam the first portion of the event. They then headed out to bike the designated length for their age group before running the final leg to get to the finish line. As they crossed the line, I gave each their medal and congratulated them on their accomplishment. Besides all the hard work the athletes had put in, I noticed one other piece that might have gone unnoticed by some. That piece was the team of volunteers that came out to help keep the athletes safe. While I can’t know why they all volunteered, I would guess it was to support the kids, support the club, or support the organizer. Regardless of their reason, I am sure they didn’t get much more than a hardy thank you for your help, and just in case I will give them one more. Thank you to everyone that helped.

Congratulations to Gary Dyer and the entire I Care Ministries team. Even though Gary was the one getting surprised with a gently used box truck, his dedication and commitment to the entire community goes hand-in-hand with his new truck. Gary started out in the mid to late 1990s with the food pantry As the years have gone by, he has added to the team helping serve those in our area by providing food where needed. It started with a freezer and a donation to fill it. Now 26 plus years later it has a fresh box truck that will take the place of a worn truck to pick up food from Corydon and bring it back to not just I Care Ministries, but other locations along the way. Thank you to everyone involved for the new truck and to the I Care team for all you have done over the years.

Congratulations to the Cars and Guitars team for kicking off the summer classic car trifecta in Downtown Seymour on June 25th. Like the other two events later in the summer, an event of this size takes many volunteers to make it happen. Those volunteers each have their own set of skills. Some are great on the front end of an event with organizing. Others are needed for the day of the event to help park cars. Making announcements, drawing winners, setting up stages, or whatever the job may be, they all add up. Thank you to all involved with this event; it turned out to be a wonderful day.

Well, it seems I have spent the entire column with one theme this week. Don’t hold your breath that I can make it this way every week, but sometimes the words flow easier than others. The team of people that it takes to make any event, project, or organization a success is a must. One of the city teams is currently working on a project that I believe could be amazing for our community, but it won’t happen without people stepping forward and lending a hand to one another. As you watch social media and The Tribune in the near future, I hope you can easily spot which project I am thinking of. If not I hope you will take a chance to ask me what is new when you see me. Who knows, maybe you will get a personal invite to join in the fun and make our community even better than it already is. Well, I guess that is enough of a teaser to hopefully make you watch closely over the next week, but before I go I will share another quote that I believe helps sum up the need for a team; this one is from Halford Luccock,  "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it."


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