Buy the Flowers

Weekly update 6/26/2022 to 7/2/2022 #127

Buy the flowers. Before I get to the root of this thought though, let me share some of a recent day serving as mayor of the best smalltown in America.

Girls Inc. recently had a scavenger hunt where they split up into a couple of groups and headed out to have some fun and, hopefully, learn about their community along the way. I know at least one had a good time beating me at thumb wrestling, and we enjoyed some laughs during selfies. While I am not sure who all they visited, I do know they visited with some members of the Seymour Police Department as well. Job well done, Girls Inc.

During the most recent council meeting, council approved abatements on over $31,000,000 in investments for a new company and a couple of existing companies located here in Seymour. These come in the form of buildings (real property) and equipment (personal property); some were for ten years while others with less time before they depreciate only have a five-year time span. Thank you to all for investing in our community.

If you have ever had a kid in the Seymour Swimming program, you know how hard they work during the year. Coach Boggs and his staff of coaches have it down to an art when it comes to laying out a practice. For the last four years now though, they have one practice a year where they do a ninja course for the whole practice. After they arrive they do a walk-through and stretch out before the fun begins. Participants not only get their workout in for the morning, but they also get to work on conquering some unexpected fears along the way. If it is making the leap off the high dive for the sharks or facing down the rushing waters of the water slide for the dolphins or maybe just taking on the course for the first time for the minnows, they all get something out of it. Thanks, Coach, for letting me attend and enjoy the tired smiles as they crossed the finish line.  

Some time ago I was in the grocery store and picked up a pack of cut flowers from the floral section. This is not something that unusual for me as I do it from time to time. The conversations as I grab my groceries are usually the same. I will normally have more than one that asks what I have done wrong or why I am trying to get brownie points. I have gotten used to this part, but it still makes me chuckle to myself when it happens. It also makes me wonder what on earth are these people doing to stay in so much trouble that a bundle of flowers leads them to assume I might be in trouble with my wife. Many years ago, I started randomly grabbing flowers while shopping. The cost wasn’t super expensive, usually less than grabbing lunch in a drive-through. The smile they put on Zabrina’s face, though, is worth every penny. Then for the next week, we have flowers on the island to add a splash of color to enjoy. During one of those conversations I mentioned, I focused on that smile being worth every penny and I don’t remember if he purchased them that day or not, but I learned later that he now does the same. I ran into someone at an event that reminded me of our chat on the topic and how he now grabs some himself on occasion. To him, I say thank you because it reminded me that I needed to grab some myself and reminded me that we can all use a little nudge to help make those around us smile from time to time. To everyone this week I leave you with this suggestion. Buy the flowers because if John Lennon is right those flowers will help you and those you love to grow. "Love is the flower you've got to let grow."


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