Driving Force

Weekly update 1/24 to 1/30 #53

What motivates you? Did you quickly have an answer or are you even sure? Before we explore this question a little more, I will share some of my week.

Thank you, Linda, for your 33 years of service to our community. Friday had moments of laughter, tears, and joy as we celebrated your career. It was my honor to get to proclaim January 29 your day. Thank you again and best wishes on your retirement.

Recently, I sat down to discuss drug addiction and a potential expansion of drug treatment in our area. We currently have plenty of users. We have an officer assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administrations task force in our area which gives us expanded capabilities. We offer D.A.R.E. to our area fifth graders. We have jobs for those working on recovery. The place that we seem to be lacking most at the moment is treatment options. We have some, but could always use more. I will continue to look for ways to help because people do recover, and we can’t forget that as we look to the future of our community.

Wednesday, I worked with the Department of Public Works to fill potholes. Depending on the weather this can be a never ending battle. My department visits are always a good chance to get to know our city employees and learn about the roles they play in our community. Let us not forget to give them a thumbs up for the shifts in the snowplow to try to keep up with the weather.  Please remember that the amount of traffic on a road does help determine the order they are plowed. A dead end will often come later than a heavier travelled street. Keep up the work DPW; we see you and appreciate all you do.

Can you believe we are already working on what the budget wants and needs will be for 2022 and beyond? Capital requests were due Friday so that we would have an idea what departments will need through 2025. Each year we work to stay within our current budget and plan on how to best prepare for the future.

What is that driving force that gets you up early or keeps you up late and pushes you to do your best and accomplish things you didn’t know were possible? I realize that many of us are motivated by different things depending on the topic. Sometimes it is the reward at the end such as ice cream after a 5k run. It might be a goal that you have set that keeps you moving. Maybe it is that hardy pat on the back from someone you respect. If you happen to be someone that can’t put your finger on what it is that drives you, don’t worry. Next time you really find yourself working harder than normal, stop and ask yourself why. Not because it is a bad thing, but because if we understand what pushes us to put in the hard work we can tap it for the future. My motivation is often based on the dream that one day I will get to look back and realize our community is in a better place because of my efforts. Sometimes those efforts are as easy as picking peanut butter pie for dessert and other times they are much more difficult because what is right isn’t always the most popular decision. Even after those moments though, I remember the words of retired four star general Colin Powell, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." I hope you are in tune with yourself enough to use your motivation to help you put in the sweat, determination, and hard work. Peace be with you now and always.




Don’t Crash the Ambulance