Don’t Crash the Ambulance

Weekly update 1/17 to 1/23 #52

Why is it that everytime I see a transition of power from one leader to the next I think of Mark Knopfler, the former front man for the band Dire Straits? If you aren’t sure stick around and I will share later in the column.

Recently, we sat down to finalize our roadwork hopes for 2021. After looking at the road inventory, which evaluates every block of road under city control and gives it a ranking, we have a short list of what will get work in the coming season. Some sections will get worked over from the base up while others will be resurfaced, and we are even looking at applying some low cost rejuvenators this season to get added years of life in some areas. The work that goes into finding the right combination is lengthy, but we are just days away from applying for Crossroads Community matching Grant from the state to help us accomplish our 2021 goals.

Park and Recreation moved a couple of projects one step closer. We are now waiting for just a few pieces to arrive for the green space near the Mellencamp mural. Thank you again to the Mellencamp family for your donation. The P&R crew also managed to haul the last load of dirt needed for the new diamonds being built at Freeman Field. Now with this phase coming to a close, we look forward to the fence work that is just around the corner. Thank you to everyone involved in the progress up to this point and in the future. 

The last thing I will share from my recent week is some pieces from a ride along with B Squad at the Seymour Police Department. Thank you for the chance to see first hand what the steps are when working an Operating While Intoxicated case. From the initial stop to the blood draw to the paperwork that follows, I now feel I have a little better insight when I read one on the shift com. Thanks B Squad for putting up with my questions and showing me around town on a Friday night.


For many years now when I see a change in leadership, be it at a local organization, government such as governor or even all the way up to the president, I think of one song. In the early 2000’s Mark Knopfler released “Don’t Crash the Ambulance” on his album Shangri-la. I won’t share all the lyrics with you,but I would encourage you to give it a listen. 

“Here, son

I'm handing over to you

Don't crash the ambulance

Whatever you do”

I have lived during eight different presidencies. Seven of them I remember while they were in office. I have also voted during five of them. Some of them I have cast a vote for and others I did not. What has seemed to be a constant either way, though, is that some will believe the world is going to head downhill or uphill  in a hurry as soon as the new leader takes office. What I don’t remember from those first few elections I cast a ballot in is what seems like rooting against them. Rooting against the president is like rooting against our future. I have always hoped that our new leaders will turn out to be the best yet. For most of those elections I have prayed that they “don’t crash the ambulance” and keep America moving in a positive direction. While I am not sure they have always kept us moving in a positive direction, I don’t believe any have full on crashed. Just like all before him, I am sure I won’t agree with everything that President Biden does. I will, however, try my best to remember the words of business woman Anne Sweeney because my day-to-day life is more impacted by my decisions than it is by the leader of the free world.   "Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you're proud to live."


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