Ultimate Success

Weekly update 3/15 to 3/21 #8

Mr. Rogers said "There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind." If you are reading along for juicy COVID-19 info, well, I guess you can skip to the end of this weekly update. Before we get to it though I would like to share some of the other items that have been momentary distractions from what we are all facing. 

This week I almost doubled the amount of weddings I have performed. Don’t worry the biggest crowd was five, and everyone except the bride and groom practiced social distancing. I mention this because the smiles on the couple's faces were a great reminder that this too shall pass. Congratulations to the couples of all ages who said I do this week. 

This week saw some new art from a few local artists at City Hall. Gretna Johnson blessed us with a beautiful painting for the front lobby. I am in awe of her talent. Kevin Green from Artistic Impressions also provided us with some prints from his collection for our art rotation at City Hall. If you are an artist and would like to share some of your work with those that visit City Hall, please reach out to the Mayor’s Office and speak with Jane. 

Thank you Gloria for the new door stop for the office. Like many, we have roughly a million and one things going on at the same time most days of the week. I am sure you can guess the one, but even with that one going on we still have potholes, sewer issues, road projects, and so much more that still have to happen. 

Several weeks ago I told my wife, Zabrin, that no matter what I did related to COVID-19, some would say it was not enough and others would say it was too much. We live in a time of constant information and some expect it from every direction. Daily both President Trump and Governor Holcomb provide updates. Jackson County Health Department and Schneck Medical are providing regular updates. Mix in the constant information coming via social media, and I have decided to make updates as needed and when details directly related to Seymour residents need updated. That leads me to my last photo in the collage. Toilet paper really should not have become a hot commodity, but it has. This week when someone said their wife found Charmin in stock we finally had a chance to restock our usual supply. We didn’t pick up 12 months worth, but simply one package to get us through. Daily myself and my department heads are sitting in on conference calls. We are staying up to date on changes that sometimes happen multiple times per hour. Again, I can repeat what you have heard from sources around the state, nation, and world, but I believe you are already hearing those. I can talk to hear myself talk, but my fear is when I need to say something important you will have tuned me out if I take up the practice of repeating messages from others.  I have shared a couple links below that I use daily.

This event in history is unlike any we are familiar with. It isn’t a storm where we can grab a chainsaw and help clean up Grandma’s yard. It isn’t like a coming flood where we can fill sand bags and try to pile them to protect property. Some ways to help at the moment. If you don’t have to go out DON’T! Send your neighbor a text to check on them and make sure they are ok and ask if they need anything. If your cousin Joe says he knows a guy who has inside information about what is coming down the line DON’T share it. Ignore the attention seekers as they are just seeking attention. Make sure any information you feel compelled to share is from a reliable source. 

I love this community and stress more for every member of it than most can imagine because of that I share the words of Mr. Rogers to you all, "There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind." Be kind to one another and we will all get through this together.

This link is for the Indiana Coronavirus map. It will show where it has been confirmed here in Indiana as well as provide you with a spot at the bottom to get email updates.


World wide map of active cases, recoveries, and deaths.


Resources for business owners from Small Business Administration



Emerge Stronger

