
Weekly update 11/8/2020 11/14/2020 #42

Growth happens in many ways. In our youth we grow bigger. In middle age many of us grow around the midsection. Sadly, sometimes we even grow weaker by the day. Enjoy a quick review of my week before I finish this thought.

Homelessnes is a topic of discussion this time of year. From a psychology major doing an interview to scheduled meetings and even a random chat on the street, many are thinking about it and looking for solutions. Cold Night Out is gearing up for a third year. Search for more info on if you are interested in helping out. I am sure they are not the only ones looking for help. Consider volunteering with Waymaker Ministries or Anchor House to help in different areas also. 

I had a chance to sit down and share updates about Seymour with Curt Nichols at 99.3 FM and 1390 AM recently. Check out my Facebook page for the recording or remember to listen on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:05am.

Council approved a general obligation bond for capital improvements. This bond will add no taxes and allow us to get police vehicles on a replacement rotation to long term be able to lower maintenance costs. Check out January Rutherford’s story in The Tribune for a deeper dive into the details if you are interested.

I sat down for a Skype interview with a homeschool group this week to help their students understand what serving as Mayor is like. When those recordings are released in the future, I will try to share them for all to enjoy. Thank you for the chance to help explain my duties.

Mix in a quarterly meeting with the Indiana Department of Transportation to make sure projects are on track, Board of Public Works and Safety, covid calls, a ribbon cutting for Clarity, and so much more and you have the last seven days of serving as mayor of the best smalltown in the world. 

Back to the growth from the beginning of this week’s article. I believe that we should learn something new every day. Where we learn is as different as what we learn. Kids, if you are lucky enough to still have your grandparents around, slow down and pay attention. Parents, don’t forget that you can learn something from your littles. I hope that I never get so set in my ways that I forget that everyone has the ability to teach me something good or bad. Always be open to at least exploring new ideas or new ways of doing things, yet be strong enough in myself to not lose what I believe in as well. I encourage everyone to not only be willing to learn, but also to teach. Help one another with understanding and compassion. We do not always have to agree, but we should strive to be civil enough to exchange ideas without fear. We should hope to learn from one another. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions." Take a chance to help stretch one anothers' minds for a brighter future for all.


Candle or Mirror


Power of the Pause