Step back and breathe

Weekly update 9/12/2021 to 9/18/2021 #86

The big picture. Can you see it? Are you taken by all the colors? Maybe you are noticing all the shading that really adds depth. Before I finish this though, how about some of my week.

Under the lights of Bulleit Stadium, the Class of 1970 recently made a contribution of over $30,000 to help expand the educational opportunities at the Ag Science Center located at Freeman Field. When you look at the members of this class, many may believe that other classes don’t stack up, but as I talk to various members, I am starting to believe that all classes have the chance to be just as helpful to the community they grew up in. Now, I do encourage you to remember that they have more years of experience than some of us, and it often shows in their poise and polish. That doesn't mean, though, that other classes can’t help our community become better. If you have a class reunion coming up, strike up the conversation with your classmates about how your class can help Seymour. Thank you, Class of 1970, for thinking of future generations and being a positive role model for others.

Have you had a chance to visit Seymour's gluten-free bakery? 1852 Cafe is located on West 2nd Street and is now officially open for all to enjoy. I recently had a chance to do live radio from the cafe with Curt Nichols and later the same day be a part of the ribbon-cutting ceremony for my friends Jason and Stacy. Next time you are out don’t forget to visit downtown Seymour and try some of the great food they have to offer. Congratulations and cheers to many wonderful years to come.

The last shout-out for the week goes to all the great volunteers with the Seymour Marching Owls and Color Guard. Volunteers make the work go easier and watching the recent mum pick-up was a great example of how to get things done. Thank you, boosters, for all the help; the program wouldn’t be the same without you.

Recently, I received a text that read, “I was having a bad day and need to learn to step back and breathe.” This text came after I answered some details about a project going on here in Seymour. When they had received a better view of the big picture, they then understood that a short inconvenience would lead to considerable savings for our community as a whole. This interaction led my mind adrift about how each employee of Seymour is adding to the quality of life of our community. I am guessing, though, that someone is reading this thinking how different roles don’t add to that quality. As I sit and think of the big picture of our community, I see that each role makes us better. Some are much more noticeable than others;for example, the police and fire departments are often noticed pretty quickly and add to the public safety aspect of our quality of life. Parks and Recreation works hard to keep our park facilities up to par and offer programming for our community members of all ages to enjoy. Water Pollution Control is often not noticed as long as the toilets flush, but they contribute as well via the pride they take in their work to solve drainage problems with the most cost effective solutions they can find for what is available. The Department of Public Works contributes via areas of road repairs that are often complained about before and during the work, but rarely are complemented after the completion for a job well done. Each employee of Seymour, whether mentioned directly or indirectly, contributes to making our community a better place to live and for that I say THANK YOU! Until next time, I want to leave you with this quote from Vince Lombardi, "Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."




Don’t skip the leg work