Somewhere Between

Weekly update 4/18/2021 to 4/24/2021 #65

The Greek storyteller Aesop once said, “Every Truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either.” I hated it when I was a kid, and Dad would give me his version of this quote, but now as a father and public servant, I realize how true it is. Before I continue this thought, I will tell you about my week.

As the first year of the Mayor’s Youth Council recently came to an end, I have to say I am excited to see what year two brings. With COVID we didn’t get to do all that I had in mind, but 12 kids from our area high schools were able to get a better look into the world of city government. The group was composed of freshmen to seniors that came from small schools, large schools, and even homeschool to share what they see in our community. Every time I was able to meet with them, it was a refreshing reminder that our future is full of bright stars that will make the world a better place as they grow. Thank you to the members of the youth council for being a part of this first year.

Meetings, meetings, and more meetings are the norm most weeks, and this past week was no different. Most are somewhere from a new idea to supporting an already established program. Making sure the Jackson County Learning Center has the support that it needs or learning about the work to attract new industry to our area, I am always thankful for those that are working to make things happen in our area. I read once that we can see about 10% of an iceberg above the sea and the other 90% is hidden below. These groups are much the same as an iceberg. Oftentimes the majority of the work is done behind the scenes that leads to the 10% that everyone notices later. 

Recently, I was asked to help with a video for Teacher Appreciation Week, which falls on May 3-7 this year. Teachers far and near, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Being married to a teacher I have witnessed the long hours that go into doing your job and the tears and heartbreak when things go wrong for any number of reasons. Keep up the hard work for our kids and the future.

Back to that opening thought. Often we develop what we see as the truth without considering all the information. We read a headline without reading the whole story. We listen to co-workers without seeking out more information. I am just as guilty sometimes of being busy and not getting back to check the facts on whatever topic it is. I do pride myself, however, on not searching until I find the one article out of hundreds that reflects my thoughts. I will look and listen to all sides of the topic and try to find the truth. I mentioned that my Dad had a similar saying when I was growing up. He would say, “there are two sides to every story and the truth is somewhere in between.” As a teenager I hated that phrase because I knew he was telling me that I was not viewing whatever it was fully. I was just sharing the version I wanted to see. Now as a leader I interact with citizens who often share their view of the situation and, much like the teenage version of myself, don’t always want to look at the whole picture. Sometimes that is out of anger. Sometimes that is out of fear. Every now and then it is an attempt at deceit. Regardless as a leader I am tasked with finding the facts and making the best decision from them.


Great Things


Remember You