
Weekly update 4/26/2020 to 5/2/2020 #14

Memories are an interesting thing. Some are beautiful things while others are the worst nightmare. I can clearly remember getting a horseshoe stake thrown into my ankle as a youth. The pain that should have made it a nightmare, though, was masked by the shock, and the memories I have are of a family friend running laps around the tree untying me and seeing blood run to the edge of Grandma’s table. Neither are very traumatizing all these decades later, and when the story gets told at a family get-together, it is almost comical. I tell you this story as a reminder that what you think will be the strongest memories of the bend in the road we are going around may not be the ones that stick at all. The kids are not going to remember that money got tight, but they very well might remember the time you spent with them during the last several weeks.

This week saw some teamwork to get a small project completed in the Farmer’s Market area. Supervisors and department heads from Parks and Recreation, Department of Public Works, and Water Pollution Control joined forces to remove some broken tree boxes and the stumps that have been in the area for several years. While it was important to get the project done, I also wanted everyone involved to have a chance to build relationships with other city employees and make asking one another for help even easier than it already is. While each department has its own role and equipment that goes with what they do, there may be times that they need help with a project that requires extra hands or different equipment to finish them. Watching them cut up with each other while finishing this project helps me not worry about them being there for each other when help is needed.

This week I had a chance to observe as several of our officers went through the firearms qualification course. Not only do they qualify with pistols, they also do shotgun and rifle. This qualification is required annually and was a good reminder of the level of training our officers go through to protect and serve our community. This week also saw Officer Armando Pasillas complete his 1300 hours of training to start working the streets on his own. This training has been completed through several different parts that started in 2019. Congratulations, Officer Pasillas.

There is plenty to write about from my week, but I will try to keep it shorter than a novella by giving you some one liners on a few. Council decided to suspend Itinerant Merchant Licenses until the Governmental Affairs committee had a chance to review it.  Redevelopment Commission started the process of adding a TIF area on South O’brien Street to help fund future projects and hopefully lead to growth in the area. Board of Zoning appeals approved a petition involving a pool house addition. I gave citizens a chance to hear what is going on with the city via Radio 96.3 via an interview with Robert Becker. Speaking of 96.3, congrats to Former Main Street Director Becky Schepman on her family's purchase of the station. Thank you to County Councilman Brian Thompson for doing a Saturday morning flyover in his vintage L3. We made memories snapping some pictures, and I am sure some of the family of previous owners enjoyed a trip down memory lane when they saw it.

Each week I have conference calls from various areas related to COVID-19, and a lot of calls this week were waiting on Governor Holcomb to make announcements on Friday. That announcement should help many see how much work goes on behind the scenes as he shared Indiana’s five step plan to get reopened. Many are excited to see things start back up, but remember some will be hesitant to jump back in with both feet. What you do is a personal choice, and I hope everyone remembers that is ok. Small business friends, I hope you market your reopening plans via social media for everyone to remember you are here and send you some support. The plan Indiana is following gives all a light at the end of the tunnel.

Helen Keller said, “A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.” Since March 25th we have been going through a bend in the road. Now we are starting to see the road straighten in the distance. Keep your eyes to the horizon and let’s make it through this turn and accelerate out.


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