Not Sure

Weekly update 6/14/2020 to 6/20/2020 #21

What is it that you are trying to accomplish? Not sure? Then no one else will be either. This week I would like to dive a little deeper into the end of last week's update, but before we do let me share some of this week's happenings.

Weekly I have those in charge of our city departments sit down for 30 minutes and run through what has recently happened and what is coming up soon. While the time frame doesn’t allow us to dive deep into any one item, it does allow us to make sure we are all in the loop and know that we need a follow-up meeting. 

I spent a few hours answering phones with transit. Transit is back to running three of the four busses. My time was spent helping schedule rides. When a call comes in they collect details upfront like pick-up and drop-off locations as well as name. Mind you, the ladies in the office often know who is calling just by the sound of the voice. Then you have to look to see what is in the area around that time and try to make sure you get them to the drop off on time. If you think of a plate spinner keeping about five plates going at one time, you have what it is like to work in the transit office. Everyone in the transit office makes it look smooth as they churn away and clean up errors left by a visiting mayor.

One evening last week I sat down to the monthly meeting with the Seymour Police Department. This is a chance to hear questions and concerns that the patrol officers have shared with supervisors and for the supervisors to discuss them. It is also a chance to share best practices and even get some short training in order to make everyone better. Henry Ford said, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” SPD is working as a department to move every officer forward, and as they do the success will take care of itself. To all the men and women at SPD, keep up the good work. I see what you are already accomplishing, and I see where you are headed together.

Back at the beginning of the article I asked, “What is it that you are trying to accomplish?” Not that I expect you to blurt out an answer. If you do please get someone to send me a video of it. Another quote from Henry Ford that I am fond of is “Don’t find fault, find a remedy.” When I started the role as mayor, I had many positions to fill. I looked for applicants that seemed to follow this quote. I have asked all of my department heads to make sure they are developing leaders. Why? Because at some point it will be time for another person to take over. I asked them to all look to the future so that we not only leave Seymour better than we found it, but we leave a lasting trend that will continue improvements. One of the most important things I asked them was to be willing to tell me when I am wrong so that I can grow as a person and as a leader along my journey. Today I ask you to do the same. Ask yourself, are you surrounded by people that will hold you to a higher standard? If so, you will grow and learn. If you have surrounded yourself with an echo chamber that only bounces back the same ideas, are you growing? Are you improving for tomorrow? Carpe diem-seize the day and turn off the 24 hour one-sided news channel (doesn’t matter which side), step away from those that only parrot back the same thoughts, think for yourself, and make Seymour better for all.



