Humble and Kind

Weekly update 8/23/2020 to 8/29/2020 #31

About five years ago Tim Mcgraw released a song that stops me in my tracks every time it comes on. “When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you/When the work you put in is realized” are just a few lines from the song to get you thinking as I share about the last few days.

We are getting close to being through the information gathering phase of Seymour’s next Economic Development plan. Our consultant has been meeting and compiling information from many different sources including community leaders, economic data both local and state wide for comparison, and previous plans. This front end work allows him to get a full picture of what we currently have going on and a combination of many different community members' ideas for the future. It is easy for some of us to focus on what we don’t have, but part of this process is to realize what we do have going on and how we can also grow those areas in the future. 

Recent days have been filled with meetings from areas such as Redevelopment, a marathon session of the city’s Common Council, INDOT to make sure we are keeping on track to the best of our abilities with construction projects that are in our control, Army Corp of Engineers to discuss the river bend, negotiations with the Seymour Firefighters Local 577, and several more keep the schedule hopping. 

Recently, I had a chance to declare August 28, 2020 Robert Becker Day here in the city of Seymour. I had a chance to participate in his last day before retirement and read the proclamation. I know at one point he was asking how we had gathered all the details from his time on air here in Seymour. I jokingly told him that we have our ways, but really it comes down to he has many people in our community who wish him well and have enjoyed being around to listen and watch him over the years. Robert, thank you for all you have done for the community. Best wishes on whatever the future holds for you.

Now that I have had a chance to review let’s get back to those song lyrics from above. 

“When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you

When the work you put in is realized

Let yourself feel the pride but

Always stay humble and kind.”

I have been blessed in my life with being involved with many great people on many great projects. I am just a small piece of things bigger than myself that have led to improvements big and small. I realize, however, that sometimes I struggle with the kind part of this song. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it bugs me for quite some time. I am human like everyone else, and I get to have emotions and reactions, but that still doesn’t stop me from being aggravated with myself. I hope today everyone remembers we are human.


All the People


Finish Your Swing