
Weekly update 3/6/2022 to 3/12/2022 #111

Every day you can find the helpers if you are looking. As always, though, before I venture down this path, let me share some of my week as the mayor of the best smalltown in America.

Think you are pregnant and not sure where to seek help? I sat down this morning and searched “pregnancy help Seymour, Indiana” to see what is available in our area. When I got past the ads at the top (most of which were not located in Seymour), one name kept appearing: Clarity Pregnancy Services. Recently, I had a chance to attend the Clarity Banquet and get a refresher on the services they provide. Those services are available to women and men and vary from pregnancy services to sexually transmitted infection testing to support groups for those who have been through abortion or sexual abuse. Clarity is supported by many area businesses, churches, and individuals and counts on that support to offer their services not only to the Seymour community but in six other communities around Indiana. If I have sparked your curiosity to learn more or if you happen to be in need of their services, learn more at

The Jackson County Sertoma Club recently announced the winners of the National Heritage Essay Contest. The contest asks students to address the question, “What freedom means to me?” After hearing the winning essay read at the banquet, I don’t envy those who had to select the winner from so many great entries. Congratulations to winner Gabby Cornn and runners-up Gabby Sarver, Kinsey Reed, and Annabelle Mathena. I believe Miss Cornn is correct when she penned, “Everyday freedom is taken for granted. I think anyone could be accused of this on any given day. Freedom is so much more than the average American knows.” 


Hopefully, you had a chance to enjoy the cool gusty winds during Seymour Main Street's first Downtown Shop Around of 2022. As my family and I ventured around enjoying ten of our local businesses, we had a good time checking out all the options we sometimes take for granted that make up the fabric of our beautiful downtown. I didn’t realize you could pick up BBQ rubs at My Hoosier Hearth on South Chestnut Street. As we enjoyed lunch and shared some laughs at 1852 Cafe on West 2nd Street, we listened as the owner shared some new menu items with customers as they came in. We enjoyed some time with Indie the bookstore cat at The Magic of Books. We enjoyed our visits with our community members at each stop along the way. If you haven’t had a chance to walk through downtown recently you should. With an 86% occupancy rate on the first floor along with several buildings that have construction happening, we are in a good place with our downtown. 

Recently, our community had a major fire at Sycamore Springs. As I visited the scene, I couldn’t help, but notice the helpers all doing their part. On my approach, I noticed many of our off-duty Seymour firefighters at the scene in case they were needed. I noticed the huge amount of volunteer firefighters who dropped what they were doing to serve our community in a time of need. I noticed some of our area clergy on the scene visiting residents who were watching their home burn. I watched as good news spread of some pets being rescued that were thought to surely be gone. Each had a major part in their own way, and each is a helper to our community. 

Much the same, we have many who are helpers at less stressful times. They are the ones who work alongside non-profits and charities, friends and neighbors to make our little part of the world as amazing as it is today. Today, I leave you with a Fred Rogers quote, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me,' Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'” I hope you can find yourself being a helper when you can, and when you can't, I hope you don’t forget to look for the helpers.


A Kick in the Shin

