Greater than yourself

Weekly update 11/29/2021 to 12/4/2021 #97

Are you a part of something bigger than yourself? Some of my recent week, though, before I share my thoughts further.

Staff meetings are a good chance for departments to see what other departments have going on. Not that any of the department heads have a problem giving each other a call when they need help, but this is a chance to have an open discussion about what is coming down the pipe for each of them. Oftentimes, our staff meeting leads to the meeting after the meeting for various department heads to help get problems solved quicker. Thanks to all our department heads for regularly reminding me that more heads are better than one when it comes to problem-solving.

Have you had a chance to check out the recent lobby remodel at the Chamber of Commerce? They recently had an open house to show off all the hard work. It looks great, and all the work was completed by members of the chamber. 

What a smile! During a recent Santa event, I got to witness a young lady who might not have been able to smile any bigger if she tried. When this young lady saw that wave from St. Nick, her eyes lit up and her mouth resembled something from Alice in Wonderland. I hope everyone’s events this Christmas season are good and that we can all find that smile. Thank you for putting the same smile on my face as I watched your excitement.

Back to this week’s opening question. Are you a part of something bigger than yourself? If your answer is yes, thank you for helping build a better tomorrow for our community and beyond. If the answer is no, don’t worry; I will share some ways to get involved. Oftentimes our area churches are involved in community projects both near and far. If that isn’t your scene, how about volunteering for one of our local non-profits? I have written about it before and will just remind you today that more than likely they need your talents to help make our community better. Want to feed the hungry? Anchor House, Community Dinner, Community Provisions, and the Alley are a couple of places to start.  Where my mind is really at today, though, is our service organizations. I am sure that I will miss some as I start down this list so feel free to let me know who you are involved with if I do. In the local and beyond world, you have Noon Lions, Evening Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, and more. The local chapters of these organizations are always looking for members. Truth be told, several of them asked me to join over the years, and I hesitated because I didn’t think I had enough time to be helpful. Over the last couple of years, I have joined, and now that I am involved I wish I had years ago. For example, the Lions clubs support projects like free vision testing for all Jackson county school students each year. They also hold a Special Olympics basketball tournament each year. They also support state projects connected to the school for the blind, leader dogs, cancer, and speech and hearing items. If Lions is not your place, then explore others like Kiwanis or Rotary as they have broad reaching service projects as well. Today, I will hopefully leave you thinking about how you can get involved with an area service organization and place a small mark on the world around us while making a larger mark on your own heart in the process. If you are curious, just ask next time you see me; I am glad to share what I know about groups I am a part of or have learned about over the years. Martin Luther King once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”


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