Full Moon
Weekly Update 9/3/2023 to 9/9/2023 #189
Community projects and the moon have more in common than we realize, but before I explain, let me share some of my week serving as mayor of the best small town in America.
This week, I had a chance to sit down and hear the progress of 180 Recovery Community Organization or 180 RCO for short. Around a dozen residents from Jackson and Jennings County have been working on establishing a certified RCO in the two counties. As I listened and learned of the work already completed and the work still to come, a few things jumped out at me. A resident of Jennings County talked about how he was amazed at all the “hype” recovery gets in Jackson County and how there is an excitement about recovery being possible and that he hoped Jennings County could get there as well. It was shared that not that long ago we didn’t have the momentum that we currently have and that we still have a long way to go. I believe we can become a place where living in long-term recovery is possible, but it will take a little lifting from many hands to get us there from where we are now. Thank you to everyone who is working hard in the field and keep moving us forward for a better tomorrow.
This week, I had a sit down with a young man that I am starting to believe will accomplish great things for our community over his lifetime. Hunter Nolan of Crothersville called me a few weeks ago to set up a meeting, and I mistakenly added him at a time where I wasn’t able to get back to town in time to meet with him. This week, we had the follow-up to that first meeting, and he shared his ideas for a community event that he not only wants to be a key organizer of, but wants his service organization to help keep free for everyone to attend. I won’t give away his thoughts, but I will say he is looking for an attendance of 250, and if anyone can do it, I believe it is him. Hunter, keep up the good work; I believe in you, and for everyone else, when he comes asking in 2024 be ready because he will figure out how to make this happen with or without you.
As the moon passes through phases each month so do projects as we work toward completion. No, they are not the same, but a new moon is much like the idea phase of a project. Someone pitches an idea, and if it has some momentum, the exploration portion of the project will start to see if it is possible and what could work and what might not work. If it makes it through into the next phase, it shows it is possible, and we are off to the races. Each project is different and may only take days, but some take years to get completed. The phase where everyone seems to notice is the build phase or you could say the full moon. This is when the equipment is out on the roads or the event happens and is often written about by The Tribune. It is the time when it is front and center for everyone to see and be reminded of. As you get all the way to the waning crescent you will have a walk through with a punch list to wrap everything up, but most think the project is complete before this even comes around. While the times may vary all projects take many steps to see through to the finish line for everyone to enjoy later. Some of those steps are more noticed than others as we work on them. Honestly, some steps that are exciting for one may not be as exciting for others. Unlike the one moon and its 29.53 day cycle we regularly have many projects in some phase working toward completion. This year alone we have wrapped up and are closing out three multimillion-dollar road projects as the next $1.6 million dollar road project is starting construction soon with another breaking ground in April of 2024. When it comes to art we are cutting a ribbon on a mural project while another is being painted. The list goes on and on, but I will stop for the day and leave you with the words of artist Robert Genn, "Keep busy while you are waiting for something to happen." Because I know we do.