First step

Weekly update 1/23/2022 to 1/29/2022 #105

The summit isn't always visible, but we know it is there. Before I wander down this path, let me share some recent happenings as the mayor of the best smalltown in America. 

During a recent afternoon meeting, we had the chance to hear from a company looking to expand. They would be looking to fill over 150 new positions over the next few years. This expansion will be good for the Seymour community. We are well prepared in areas of infrastructure to meet the needs they are looking to fill. We are well placed, geographically, being within a short truck distance to all three major shipping companies. We are even well placed on existing space to meet their immediate needs as they construct future expansions. I don't envy the leaders of this company as they look at where to locate. They have many details to review and endless decisions to make over the next several months. Good luck to all the communities that are still in consideration, and to the CEO, you have my contact information; feel free to reach out anytime with questions.

Less than twelve hours after this meeting I received word that a local employer was reducing their local workforce by 70. While severance packages were given, and even with Jackson County having 1% unemployment rate in December, we still have many companies hiring. I still can't help but think of those employees suddenly looking for a new job. Those employees that were not in the market for a change have suddenly had their world turned upside down. I was surprised by the resilience of some when I saw one former employee call it a blessing in disguise as they have been considering a new job for a few years. I can only hope that others can focus on the opportunities ahead even if they can’t see the path clearly.

Welcome to the Seymour Young Marines. The opening of this chapter of the nationwide organization gives our area youth a chance to get involved. They strive to help them learn leadership, discipline, and so much more as they give back to our area. Thank you, Shawn Riley, for all your efforts. I look forward to seeing how this group of committed young people get involved and give back to our community.

While the summit isn't always visible, we know a path exists. Sometimes, however, that path can be dark and foggy. The first step can be the scariest and tough to take. A recent speaker at Noon Lions spoke about serving from the heart. He shared his story of stepping outside his comfort zone and how it has led to growth for himself and the region. This presentation came just a day after we took a first step towards a better tomorrow. The destination is clear, yet the path is certainly not, and I am sure it will present many obstacles as we move along it. I am sure that those who are already jumping in will present us with stories of their history and how the path looked for them. A few days after this meeting, which I will share more about in the coming weeks, I had a chance to deliver a proclamation on Catholic Schools Week and enjoy some of the mass before the proclamation. A hymn just moments before I spoke was titled “Go Make a Difference” and was good for my heart as I listened to the children sing. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” As I have referenced the path a few times through this article, we have to start somewhere to get anywhere. Peace be with everyone as we each face our own troubles.


Timing is Everything


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