
Weekly Update 1/22/2023 to 1/28/2023 #157

There are many ways to learn and grow, but before I share some thoughts on this topic, let me tell you about some of my recent week serving as mayor of the best smalltown in America.

Thank you, Linda Myers, for taking the time to host leadership training for the clubs at Crothersville Schools. Six speakers came together to help representatives from organizations such as FFA, SADD, Student Council, National Honor Society, Pep Club, and the different classes to learn about several areas of leadership. With hands-on exercises as part of the day, the students had a chance to gain experience and learn about themselves. They also had a chance to learn about their personalities from Heather VonDielingen. I believe it was a good day and will lead to a better tomorrow for not just Crothersville, but the community as a whole. Keep up the good work, Mrs. Myers.

In 1962, the Jackson County United Fund was formed by a group of caring citizens. Over the years it has supported several organizations and even changed names to become the Jackson County United Way. This past week, they celebrated their 60th anniversary with an awards dinner. After awards were handed out, they did share with us that they had raised 88% of the current campaign. If you see it in your heart, please consider giving them a hand across the finish line so they can continue to support our area organizations. 

This year, I have set a goal of sitting down with builders and developers from the region over 2023. This past week, I had a chance to sit down with three more. I enjoy the difference of view points that comes from years of experience. I must say that all have known where they are as a business and have added good insight for me as I think about how we develop as a community over the next five to ten years. Thank you to everyone that has taken time out of their busy schedules to talk with me and an early thanks to those who are still to come. 

As I was driving recently, I passed a bridge that brought back memories from almost three decades ago. Those memories were of a time when I could have easily lost an old friend to a foolish youthful adventure. Neither the bridge or those involved are the same all these years later, but just passing the area sparks a trip down memory lane. I share this becaue the expriences of that day helped me learn and grow as a teenager. The students at Crothersville this week gained valuable knowledge with their experiences in a less stressful way than my personal example. The four directors of Jackson County United Way over the last 60 years all learned from experience as they went. The builders and developers that I have been speaking with have all learned from their experiences as they have grown over the years. I enjoyed my four years on council because of everything that I learned about our city government during that time. Now the last three years I have gotten to grow and learn while serving as mayor. What I am trying to say is I hope you value your life experiences as much as I do because they have been a key part in making us who we are. Always keep learning and growing from every experience. Actress Neve Campbell had this to say about learning from experiences, "When I look back on it now, I am so glad that the one thing that I had in my life was my belief that everything in life is a learning experience, whether it be positive or negative. If you can see it as a learning experience, you can turn any negative into a positive."


Optimism is Essential


Going Ahead