The Tipping Point

Weekly update 8/2 to 8/8

“The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.” This quote comes from Malcomb Gladwell's book called The Tipping Point.. I have thought for several years that Seymour is on the verge of this tip, and when it happens we will launch into the future with momentum like we have not seen before. As I listened to a community member this week, I could feel the enthusiasm that can lead us to this tip. Before I talk too much about this thought, let me share what has happened this week.

Congratulations to Darlage Custom Meats for your new location and the chance to cut the ribbon. If you haven’t had a chance to check them out yet, please do. When you walk in you will be expecting the best cuts of meat for dinner, but you will be pleasantly surprised by all that you will find to go with them.

During a digital Mayor’s Roundtable, I had a chance to discuss how we are doing and how others are facing the problems of 2020 in their cities. These chances to talk with other mayors from around the state are always a good reminder that we are all facing very similar issues regardless of the size of our communities. The great part is they are also a great chance to be reminded of the things we have going for Seymour.

I spent part of my week with Water Pollution Control and a big part of that time with Chad who works in biosolids. What are biosolids you say? Biosolids are solid organic matter recovered from a sewage treatment process. Instead of taking you on a trip from your house to a lift station and then onto several stops at the treatment plant, let’s just focus on the few end products that come from the treatment plant. Biosolids are a big part of what you think of smell wise when you think about passing the plant on Newford Road. My coworker Chad has been in biosolids for about 18 months and was a great teacher, helping me understand not just what happens, but how it happens at this point in the treatment process. It was also a good reminder of the age that our “new” treatment plant is getting on it. Thank you, Chad, for your patience as I asked questions and your knowledge that helped me see it as more than just a stinky building on a hot summer day.

Now to try and edge past that tipping point I started this update with. In order to step past it we need to reframe the way we look at the world. No, I don’t want anyone to drop their beliefs. What I want them to do, though, is to find the positives and help find ways to advance those positives with others in the community. I have said it before and I am sure I will say it again. Find your flock and help us move into a brighter future. Whatever it is that your heart leads you towards get involved and work on it. I want to see Seymour be a beautiful walkable community with choices of not just places to eat, but shopping options, and even more places to lay your head at night. That is the great part of my job; I get to spend time each week working on many areas and try to help figure out what it takes to send Seymour over the tipping point for generations to come. Is it residential, commercial, industrial, amenities like parks or trails, maybe it comes down to public safety from the likes of Seymour Police Department or Seymour Fire Department. The exact combination I am not sure of yet, but what I am sure of is when I can sense your enthusiasm during a conversation, I can’t help but think our future is bright, and it just takes the right group to step up and use their voice in the areas they are passionate about for a better tomorrow.


Moving forward or moving backwards


Careful when you assume