Be Kind

Weekly Update 12/25/2022 to 12/31/2022 #153

After all the wrapping paper and bows were cleaned up and I was hanging up several shirts I had received as gifts, I realized my Christmas presents had a theme. Before I explain further though, let me share some of my week serving as the mayor of the best smalltown in America.

This past week, I had a chance to sit down for the last time in 2022 with Becky from WJAA 96.3. Every month, she is kind enough to have me on to talk about whatever is going on in the community. This month, we covered snow removal and upcoming road funding requests we will be making soon for 2023 and beyond. Thank you to both Becky at 96.3 and Kelly at 99.3 for allowing me the chance each month to share the good news that we have going on here in Seymour. 

The last week of the year comes with the final Board of Works meeting so that the Clerk Treasurer’s office can wrap up claims and get everything done that needs to be finished by the end of the calendar year. That meeting also holds several annual contracts that need renewed. Along with our usual sewer adjustments and event requests, we also updated our transit procedures manual this time. I want to take a second today and say thank you to Jane for all she does preparing the agenda for BOW and keeping track of items that need to be heard, signed, or discussed at each meeting.

Crossroads Community Matching Grant 2023-1 opens next week for applications. Last week, I mentioned having a meeting on this topic, and this week was another. Last week, we took our want list down from $10 million to just under $3 million. This week, we had to make the tough decisions and get that down to a number that fits better into our budget. CCMG is a 50/50 matching grant of up to $1 million. We then add a little over $1 million to get where we need to be for the year. We look at what storm and sanitary sewer items need to be included, how much curb line, and how much sidewalk as we explore how best to utilize the funding and make it go as far as possible. Then when we feel we have a winning combination, we submit it to the state for their review, and hopefully, they agree with us and award funding. I know how hard the process is on our end. I can't imagine how difficult it is to choose on their end and can’t thank them enough for all their support over the years. 

Well back to that theme that I didn’t notice as I sent gift ideas to my friends and family. This year, mental health was what most of my shirts related to. From the first one that read “Do what you love, Love what you do, The art of optimism” that I was given a few days before Christmas from a coworker to several Til Valhalla Project shirts that carried the theme along, they all seemed to be of a similar thought. In 2022, I focused some of my efforts on recovery because I do believe people can and do recover and get their lives back. Many we don’t even realize are among us everyday living proof that it is possible. As the year went on though, I realized that it comes back to mental health. Another item in 2022 was the first session to get all city departments dementia friendly. Currently, we have three that have accomplished this goal and will have several opportunities over the next few weeks to get the others through the course and prepared to recognize the signs and be armed with better skills for their interactions with community members. Please reach out to my office if you would like to learn more about how your business can become dementia friendly. We have just a few spots open for your team to learn more. Again mental health seems to be a theme. Today, I will leave you with a quote from one of my favorite Til Valhalla shirts. “Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”




Time Off